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Drop-in Science Workshops

Drop-in Science Workshops, a collage of images including a child looking into a microscope, leaves, Tiktaalik, and a Blue-Tongued Skink

Drop-in Science Workshops, a collage of images including a child looking into a microscope, leaves, Tiktaalik, and a Blue-Tongued Skink

Wandering the Watershed

Saturday, April 19, 2–4 p.m.

What is a watershed? How does your daily life impact the wildlife in nearby streams and rivers?

How does stormwater runoff affect an environment? Take a peek at the Academy’s Ichthyology Collection and learn what fish you can find here in the Delaware Valley.

Living in Harmony

Saturday, October 4, 2–4 p.m.

What is a resource? How do animals share the available space and foods they find?

Take a peek at the Academy’s Ornithology Collection and learn how animals and humans can both affect the environment.

Stay tuned for upcoming workshop topics!

Free with admission; program is ongoing while supplies last.
All ages 

For more information about this program, please contact Amy Hoyt, mediated experiences educator, at