Gift Plans Guide

Quick Guide to Gift Plans
Gift Plan Type of Property
That Can be Contributed
Benefit to Donor Benefit to the Academy
Outright Gift Any Income tax deduction, in most cases, for full market value Can be used for current needs
Bequest Any Estate tax deduction for full market value When received, can be used for any stated purpose
Beneficiary of Retirement Funds IRA, 401(k), etc Proceeds not subject to income tax and estate tax. Estate tax deduction for their value When received, can be used for any stated purpose
Gift Annuity Cash, Publicly traded securities Guaranteed payments for life. Income tax deduction for portion of contribution Residuum can be used for any stated purpose
Charitable Remainder Unitrust Cash, Publicly traded securities, Closely held stock (C), Real Estate Variable income for life or a term of years; Income tax deduction for present value of remainder interest Remainder can be used for any stated purpose
Charitable Remainder
Annuity Trust
Cash, Publicly traded securities Fixed income for life or a term of years; Income tax deduction for present value of remainder interest Remainder can be used for any stated purpose
Grantor Charitable Lead Trust Cash, Publicly traded securities, Closely held stock (S and C), Real Estate Income tax deduction, principal returned when trust terminates Income can be used for current needs
Non-Grantor Charitable Lead Trust Cash, Publicly traded securities, Closely held stock (C), Real Estate Gift or estate tax deduction, transfer of assets to heirs Income can be used for current needs
Retained Life Estate Residence or Farm Income tax deduction, can continue using property When received, can be used for any stated purpose
Bargain Sale Real Estate and occasionally other property Income tax deduction and sales proceeds Difference between sales and purchase price can be used for current needs
Life Insurance (Charity owner of policy) Life Insurance policy Income tax deduction Can use cash value now or death proceeds later
Life Insurance (Charity beneficiary but not owner of policy) Life Insurance policy Estate tax deduction Proceeds can be used for any stated purpose
Gift Plan Type of Property
That Can be Contributed
Benefit to Donor Benefit to the Academy

Can we help you?

We would be delighted to talk with you about how you can support the Academy as well as achieve your own financial goals. For more information on the Academy's Planned Giving program and giving options, please contact:

Andrea Rowe
Director of Stewardship and Planned Giving
1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway
Philadelphia, PA 19103