The Center for STEAM Equity 

WINS students examine the health of a local creek with partner organization Tacony-Tookany-Frankford Creek Initiative. 

The Center for STEAM Equity focuses on social and environmental educational justice in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM) to serve minoritized audiences from early childhood onward. The Center designs safe and inclusive learning spaces for audiences, including young women; Black, Latinx and other students of color; those identifying as LGBTQ+; and those along the autism spectrum. The Center also looks to diversify and increase representation in STEAM careers by building a strong career pipeline network for our participants.

The Center’s Out of School Time programs provide long-term engagement for audiences over months and years instead of days. This allows our audiences to gain deeper knowledge through our STEAM and literacy programs and form relationships with other participants, staff members and community partners. The Center also focuses on research to practice initiatives, which allows us to evaluate our programs and share our findings through publications and professional conferences.

The Center consists of social justice and early childhood education programs. Early childhood education provides a solid foundation for our youngest learners and their families. Professional development and classroom modeling is provided for early childhood educators. Social justice focuses on older learners, including our innovative Women In Natural Sciences (WINS) program for high school students. The WINS program focuses on high-quality STEAM education and relationship building and offers internship and employment opportunities, as well as college readiness.

WINS At 30 Video