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Changing Exhibits Photo Gallery

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Life Onto Land: The Devonian
November 11, 2023–September 29, 2024

Life Onto Land: The Devonian centers around the Academy’s internationally celebrated paleontological research and the incredible discovery of Tiktaalik roseae.

Unearthed in 2004 on Ellesmere Island in the Canadian Arctic territory of Nunavut, this transitional fossil has been critical in piecing together a picture of how fins became limbs — or, of how terrestrial, limbed vertebrates arose from aquatic, lobe-finned ancestors.

A statue of tiktaalik emerging from the water.
A statue of tiktaalik emerging from the water, part of the special exhibit
Life Onto Land: The Devonian at the Academy of Natural Sciences
Photo credit: Ramon Torres/ANS
The Entrance of the Life Onto Land Exhibit. A print of tiktaalik on the wall. A sandstone slab sits on a small pedistal.
The entrance of the special exhibit, Life Onto Land: The Devonian at the Academy of Natural Sciences
Photo credit: Ramon Torres/ANS
The skull and body of a tiktaalik fossil on display.
The skull and body of a tiktaalik fossil on display at the special exhibit
Life Onto Land: The Devonian at the Academy of Natural Sciences
Photo credit: Ramon Torres/ANS
A mural painted of a devonian swamp along a wall infront of a tiktaalik statue.
A mural painted of a Devonian swamp, part of the special exhibit
Life Onto Land: The Devonian at the Academy of Natural Sciences
Photo credit: Ramon Torres/ANS

Under the Canopy: Animals of the Rainforest
February 17–September 2, 2024

Travel to the most diverse ecosystem on the planet! Under the Canopy: Animals of the Rainforest is an immersive exhibition introducing you to the fascinating world of rainforests and the animals that inhabit them. Learn about unique plants and rainforest ecology as you encounter a live sloth, boa constrictor and other animals that call these habitats home.

Think big about the importance of rainforests to the planet as you explore interactive discovery stations, dynamic displays and engaging programming. Under the Canopy will leave you with knowledge and actions you can take — from choosing the best coffee to growing the right garden plants — to support healthier rainforest ecosystems and become an advocate for conservation.

A person giving a presentation to a group of people.
Daily animal presentations are part of the programming for the special exhibit
Under the Canopy: Animals of the Rainforest at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University.
Photo credit: Ramon Torres/ANS
A sloth in a basket.
Maple the sloth inside of her enclosure in the special exhibit
Under the Canopy: Animals of the Rainforest at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University.
Photo credit: Ramon Torres/ANS
A group of people looking at a display with animals.
A family gets a close-up look at a gecko inside of the special exhibit
Under the Canopy: Animals of the Rainforest
at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University.
Photo credit: Ramon Torres/ANS
A lizard on a log
Marzipan, the Black and White Tegu, perches on a log inside her enclosure at the special exhibit
Under the Canopy: Animals of the Rainforest at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University.
Photo credit: Ramon Torres/ANS