Science Story Time: April 13
Saturday, April 13, 2024
11:00 AM-12:30 PM
Have some fun with Academy educators and other young natural history fans for a very special science story time.
Each week will feature a science story and a hands-on craft to try. Occurring the second weekend of each month on Saturday and Sunday at 11 a.m. and Noon.
You may enjoy some of the following topics:
- Grandmother Fish: a child’s first book of Evolution by Jonathan Tweet Craft: Trace fossil medallions.
- What do you do with a tail like this By Steven Jenkins Craft: Lizard Tail Craft.
- Hank’s Big Day By Evan Kuhlman Craft: Roly Poly paper plate.
- Jump up and dance as we read “Dinosaurrumpus” by Tony Mitton and get crafting with dinosaur pasta pals.
Learn more about Science Story Time.