Volunteer Benefits

The biggest benefit for volunteers at the Academy of Natural Sciences is the opportunity to learn and share that learning with others. Whatever the task, volunteering contributes in an important way to our work.

The following are some of the more tangible benefits offered to volunteers who maintain an active status at the Academy. These can change, and some privileges are offered in a modified form to volunteers who are at the Academy for only a short-term assignment.

  • An invitation to the annual Volunteer Recognition Event held in the spring
  • Recognition for 3, 5, 10 or more years of service. There are also awards for exceptional volunteer service in a number of areas, and you may be nominated for our very own version of the "Academy Awards."
  • Free admission anytime you visit the museum outside of your regular volunteer hours
  • Upon request, free museum passes to be used by your family or friends
  • A discount on Academy Shop purchases
  • Use of the Volunteer Room for breaks or lunch and to find the latest information about the Academy and its programs
  • Admission discounts for special events at the Academy when there is a fee. An RSVP in advance is required for most events. 
  • Regular newsletters and news from the Volunteer Office emailed to you.
  • Deductions on your federal income tax for travel expenses, mileage, and parking related to your volunteer work if you itemize deductions (See IRS Publication 526 - Charitable Contributions or download a pdf version)