Plastic-free Philly Champions Virtual Education Package

Win great prizes, including school supplies and a free field trip!

plastic free philly champions anti plastic logo on turquoise background

Plastic-free Philly Champions is a new educational package for 3rd to 8th grade teachers and educators in the region. This program is part of the Academy’s Plastic-free Philly, a campaign aimed at reducing single-use plastic water bottles. 

The Plastic-free Philly Champions virtual education package includes four weekly, super-fun “challenges” for students, with lessons on clean water and how plastics can affect our health and environment. The package will be emailed to teachers and includes:

  • Video lessons
  • A written lesson plan
  • Hands-on activities

The Academy and our partners, the Philadelphia Water Department, NBD10/Telemundo and Drexel’s College of Nursing and Health Professions Community Wellness, will each host one video lesson (four lessons total). 

All participating schools will receive a Plastic-free Philly Champions certificate. When all challenges are completed, one school will be named “Plastic-free Philly Champion” and will win special prizes. 

How long will this take to complete? 

The program takes four to six weeks to complete. 

Is there a fee for this program?

Each package is $225, and classes receive one package each.

Please contact for more information., or click below to register online.

register button

Can Title 1 schools receive this program for free?

Unfortunately, we do not have funding this year. Each package is $225.

What does the Plastic-free Philly Champion school win? 

The school named Plastic-free Philly Champion will receive a field trip to the Academy of Natural Sciences, plus $300 for school supplies!

How do we win?

  • Sign up to receive the Plastic-free Philly Champions Education Package starting February 17, 2024.
  • Complete all four challenges and submit your materials to Mariah Romaninsky at Materials include one letter stating why the class feels they are the Plastic Free Champions and 5 to 10 photos of the kids at work by May 17, 2024.

The winner will be announced the week of May 17, 2024!

Special thanks to our partners:

philadelphia water department logo drexel community wellness hub logo nbc10 logo