Gallery Highlights

At the Academy of Natural Sciences, you can wander among towering dinosaur skeletons or discover an indoor tropical butterfly garden. Explore ecosystems from around the world through our historic dioramas or be transported to the great outdoors through our hands-on discovery center for children.

Beyond the 40-foot T. rex and fluttering tropical butterflies, you will find many interactive exhibits based on paleontology, minerals, mollusks, the food chain, natural history, and more.

Gallery Highlights

The Big Dig

Dig for fossils in this hands-on exhibit.

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Marveling at Mollusks

Nearly 100 specimens from the scientific collections of the Academy’s Malacology Department are on display.

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Science at the Academy

The world-class science conducted at the Academy is on display.

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Secrets of the Diorama

Learn about the history of the dioramas and see how the plants, animals, and paintings were created.

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What Eats What

What Eats What presents the consumers and producers that make up the food chain in a stream.

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